Monday, January 03, 2005


It's been a few years since I flipped a car past the 100K mile mark. Took this photo on the way home - and had my wife ask, "why were you playing with your camera phone while driving 70 mph down the interstate?!?"

Girls just don't understand.


Blogger Rick said...

sure - comment on the speed, but nothing on the sheer determination to do whatever it took to get the shot. notice the fuel guage - i was running on fumes for that one moment of glory, for that one snapshot that could only tell the story for a brief mile-long stretch of road. sure, i could've waited for a stoplight and taken a picture of 100005. i could've gotten some gas and taken a snap of 100012. but no, it's a pristine and glorious 100000 - and i'd do it again.

3/1/05 10:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's that they say? "A picture is worth a thousand words."


4/1/05 8:37 AM  
Blogger jen said...

i'm with vicki on this one...

4/1/05 3:10 PM  

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