Travelling Mercies
This blogsite started with a business trip, and I'll be flying down there again next week. I like San Juan ok - get used to the driving and the humidity and it's a great place to be for winter. I'll probably even take my swimsuit this time, maybe get in some time in the pool or on the beach one evening. I'm also not travelling alone this time, so it'll be a little nicer tagging along with co-workers. This week I'll be picking up the usual: travel toiletries, fresh tshirts & socks, maybe a new DVD or something.
My brother will "fill in" for me at P:67 Tuesday 03/15 since I'm going to be out of town - he gets to cowboy up and teach the college students a thing or two. I'll work through a discussion of the Bible and Truth tomorrow night, and leave Relationships and Conversations for him next week.
After the disappointment of yesterday morning, I've got to say that I'm pretty even-keeled about stuff today. The rest of the morning service was really good: a dramatic presentation of the "Afterlife", when we'll stand before the Lord and give an account. Very stirring, very well done. After that, the Newcomers class went well, too, I thought. I met some new folks, got to talk a minute or two on Small Groups, and then got major props from Pastor Jeff. I'm floored that he seems to see more in me than I see in myself - a mentoring friendship that I've never really had before, and it's neat to watch it grow and be encouraged like this. So I'm actually looking forward to "starting again" with the Q & A sessions - and if you're in Columbia, SC, and you don't attend next week 03/13 at 9am, I'll hold you responsible for my whininess next week- ok?!?
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