Sunday, February 06, 2005


Sunday morning, time to get ready for church. This morning, my wife's taking my little girl to the doctor to re-check an infection that hasn't cleared up the way we would've liked. Hopefully they'll make it through the weekend waiting rooms in time to meet us for church. The thought passed through my mind that maybe I didn't want to go to church without Vicki, maybe just stay home with Trace and wait for the ladies to get home from the doctor to have "church" at home.

But that thought passed, because I also thought about being at church, and not seeing people I've become acustomed to seeing, not being a part of something I've gotten used to being involved with. Maybe that's a part of "belonging": thinking of other people and how you'll miss them, and wondering if they might miss you, too. If I don't go this morning, and when I'm not there next week because of our Valentine's Weekend Surprise - I'd feel like I'm letting down on my side, giving up on my end of the relationship-building dynamic.
Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another–and all the more as you see the Day approaching.
- Hebrews 10:25
I'll be more encouraged, more challenged, and more empowered to whatever God is calling us towards by attending church, by being with people, by sharing and worshiping together. It's not doing anything special, really - just realizing that it takes effort on my part to be in fellowship and relationship with other like-minded and like-hearted people. What should come naturally still has a side to it that takes effort and obedience.


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