Snot & A Book List
I'm still recuperating from this nasty headcold thing that's gripped my body the past few days, and I don't have as many leaks (orifices draining body fluids - gotta love the imagery, y'all) as I did yesterday. A good cup of coffee this morning and I should be alright for church, a nap and playoff football.
I've gotten myself into a few good books at once, again. And I've been meaning to post them to, but it's been down the last few days. I haven't read much this weekend - my eyes have been hurting from the achey feeling and stuffiness. Since we moved the alarm clock to my wife's side of the bed, my nightstand has become a library, and here's what I've been meaning to read (no, really - I'm in the middle of the first three already, with the others waiting patiently):
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