Finally, winter is happening in South Carolina. It's usually fairly mild here, not much snow, not very cold compared to some locations further north. The summers are usually hot and on the moist side of humid. So when it's winter time, I like for the temperatures to drop a little. But last week at this time it was in the 50s heading to highs in the 70s - that's ridiculous. Finally, it's cold this morning, and I like it. Nyahh.
It's 16F right now according to WeatherBug, after a low of 15F and maybe reaching a high of 45F. Even that might be too warm - give us a little chill any day. Bring out the sweaters and sweatshirts and layers. Bring out the parkas and mittens and earmuffs. Something about being in the chill outside makes you feel alive, while the humidity and sweat of August often make you feel too sedated.
People here are complaining a bit, but not me, no-sirree-bob. This is why I like SC: get cold once in a while, and don't dump two feet of snow on me to do it.
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