Friday, January 14, 2005


  • Youth Basketball at the rec center
  • In Good Company with folks from small group
  • post-movie coffee/books at Barnes & Noble
  • Saturday morning clean-up
  • 7-yr-old girl birthday party
  • Saturday NFL Playoffs
  • Gamecocks vs. UT 7pm on FoxSportsSouth
  • Sunday morning @ Seacoast - good morning, sermon on "overhaulin' the physical!"
  • Sunday NFL Playoffs
  • Reading: Peter and the Starcatchers; Leadership Wisdom From Unlikely Voices; Mr. Timothy


    Blogger Bert said...

    Weekend for Me:

    FRIDAY - off work, getting house ready for closing, watching The Terminal on DVD.
    SATURDAY - off morning, work 12-9.
    SUNDAY - church AM, quick lunch at McD's, work 12-7, unwind for a great day off Monday!!!!

    I think Clemson plays basketball. I'll get updates in the playoffs and I will be continuing to pray about our opportunity in FL.

    14/1/05 12:15 PM  
    Blogger Mark Baker said...

    Let us know what you think of Mr. Timothy. I've been intrigued by the book but I'm not sure if I want to read it or not.

    14/1/05 1:22 PM  
    Blogger Porkchop said...

    I want to see In Good Company, but my movie watching companions have deserted me in favor of DATES. How wretched of them.

    14/1/05 3:56 PM  
    Blogger Rick said...

    bert - y'all are way busier than i want to be :)

    mark - my wife didn't like the way mr. timothy started, a little more foul than she wanted "tiny tim" to be

    sarah - very very good movie, and how dare your closest family and friends bail on you when they should've known this movie would change your lives - well, maybe not

    ash - when i get a chance to pick up peter & scers, i can't put it down :), and hope my son picks it up next; would be biggest book he's ever read

    15/1/05 5:52 AM  

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