Morning Commute, or They Let You DRIVE?
I'm not a punctual person by nature, but I'm not habitually late either. We have a normal morning routine, and if anything gets it a little off kilter I'm a wreck until we pull safely and timely into the kids' school parking lot. This morning, we just had LIFE happen, and we were all about ten minutes behind the clock. Fine, no big deal, walk in and get passes to go to class tardy, sign on the dotted line and check the "Other (Running Late)" box on the sheet. Since I'd still be on time at work, no big deal, no muss, no fuss.
That's when I noticed that there were an unusual number of STUPID DRIVERS on my route to work this morning. I can give you some slack - we're all idiots from time to time (if you don't believe me, you might be one right now, so be careful, ok?!?). I can overlook some I'm-distracted-and-didn't-see-you driving from time to time. I don't lose my cool when I'm cut off, and feel more pity than anything else when someone drives like a four-yr-old. But honestly, it was lunacy out there this morning.
[NOTE: as Sarah pointed out, passing on the LEFT is okay. I don't think I caught the terror though - these folks passed from the middle lane of three lanes on I-20 East, moving from the slower lane to the much much faster left lane, cutting someone off who was hurtling way too fast, and then getting back into the middle lane just one car ahead - like they were impatient enough to get in front of someone, just not impatient enough to maintain that speed... how's that?]
[Second NOTE: I might have to remove this one, since I probably do this more than I should complain about, huh?]
And people ask why I work from home sometimes... Of course, tomorrow I'll probably cut someone off and end up on their blog. Go figure.
[Disclaimer: I apologize profusely for my use of the word "STUPID". It is a dirty word in our house, never to be used to describe anyone or anything. But honestly, it's the only word I could use this morning without resorting to $%# characters. Please accept my apoligies - The Mgmt]
Passing on the left is WRONG? Geez... I thought that in the abscence of signs it was ok...
no, passing on the left is ok - but not to just gain that one friggin' car length ahead, and definitely not on a two lane road into oncoming morning school-zone traffic(one of them) or through a turn-lane median (the other) just before a stoplight with a regular turn-lane to the left. right lane, slow. left lane, faster. median lane to pass on the left and come back into proper left lane while guy you passed is turning left - freakishly awful :).
Everyone is in such a hurry. It gets crazy. Put yourself in danger, so be it. Put me in danger, that's what angers me.
much less stressful on the way in this morning - hmmm, not running late, no one yelling, everyone peaceful in the car - hmmm, maybe that had something to do with my outlook, too :)
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