Saturday, January 08, 2005

Christian Right

"I assure you, once we leave the fight over our country's future and enter the spiritual battle for the hearts and souls of the lost, the church will flourish, and the kingdom of God will grow. God is not in the business of brokering for power over a nation; He is in the business of loving the unloved and pulling sheep put of the crags and bushes."
- Donald Miller, Searching For God Knows What, p. 194


Blogger Unknown said...

Does Miller define what he means by spiritual battle? And how does he understand battling for hearts and minds?

What does his last line mean? How does he show his loved for the unloved? Or pull sheep out of crags?

I figure he must get more specific—does he?


10/1/05 6:26 PM  
Blogger Rick said...

Does Miller define what he means by spiritual battle? And how does he understand battling for hearts and minds? There's a greater context of "what is morality?" in that chapter, and i think his idea here of a spiritual battle is that it's something other than the republican platform.

What does his last line mean? How does he show his loved for the unloved? Or pull sheep out of crags?again, in context he sees what i seemed to see everywhere during the election: that the only "moral" issues were gay marriage and abortion. but what about poverty and helping others and the economy and education and the war? instead of "fighting for the right" we can be about loving others and "pulling people" out of the crags... something like that.

i don't want to put words in his mouth - there was alot more i wanted to quote here but didn't. his sentiment here has been mine since the primaries, though - aren't there other "morals" at play here?

10/1/05 9:28 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Ah. That makes more sense. Without the context it's hard to tell. I share that frustration. Seems that the lines are so hardened. I go to a Catholic university which is liberal in bent and I found myself confronted with the "other side" as far as social justice. I found it ironic that here in a Catholic school, there is very little mention of abortion yet the environment and homelessness came up repeatedly.

Seems ideological hardening happens on all sides... which frustrates me.


11/1/05 10:42 PM  

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