Saturday, March 26, 2005

Good Press on "Emerging Church"

As a follow-up to this post a few days ago, I wanted to link to some other pieces that have a more positive spin, or at least a non-condemning tone, on what's happening out there:
  • Here's an article from Kentucky: just good story-telling, sharing a bit about what church means to folks who are finding something meaningful and transforming.
  • Wiki entry for "emerging church"
  • "Thoughts on the Emerging Church"
  • Church Executive Magazine - nooooooooooooo
  • Andy Crouch, "The Emergent Mystique"
  • Seattle Times magazine article on Mars Hill Church

    I don't post much in the way of "opinion pieces" - some folks hate that about me, about my overall style - but it's not because I don't have opinions. It's just easier to ask questions, to tell stories, to get "my point" across in other ways, I guess. That's why I'm drawn to the emerging paradigm, where there's a love for the Word and for experiences and stories that change lives in real ways. For too many folks, the western church is an afterthought to weekly life, when the reality is that we are Christians 24/7 and just don't know how to live it out. This "emerging church thing" isn't about candles and incense and a certain style to be imitated and manipulated. Rather, I think it's an atmosphere that allows to discussion, for questions, for seeking together and encouraging each other. And that can't be all bad.


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