Sunday, December 26, 2004

Christmas Memories

I've got a little time this morning to blog blog blog. Don't know what I did to deserve the quiet time, but I'm not complaining. We're "iced in" right now. Most churches have cancelled morning services as a band of ice/sleet/show has moved across the middle of the state. It looks cold and nasty outside, so I was already planning to enjoy "church in the living room". We'll have some clean-up time down here in a bit, and we'll play inside all morning, waiting for the ice to melt off.

Thanks to the folks who've commented over the weekend, and to those on my siderbar list who've shared some of their Christmas memories. It's a hoot to find that other people are experiencing Christmas differently, and yet we're all the same in terms of excitement and accident and family and children.
  • Caryn wrote about yuletide spaghetti and Christmas lights
  • Jen & Jon have taken in a stray since there's "room in the inn" for now
  • Myles reminds us that the online world can wait
  • Joy posted on her dad's birthday and dogs and German chocolate cake
  • Sarah said "merry Christmas" in a burst of sentimentality
  • Mike posted last week's Christmas sermon
  • Sara hooks-up wirelessly from the lodge - I wish!
  • David posted a Christmas story - good stuff there
  • Bekah writes of Christmas in the Triangle
  • Donna shares the fun & frivolity of "another one gone"
  • Jae sparks on Jesus coming to serve - that's amazing

    Quiet time over, but that's not a bad thing. Gotta make coffee, clean our living room sanctuary, and get ready for Karaoke time. Merry post-Christmas, y'all.


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